Mass Story Lab in Miami: Peggy Mustelier describes visiting with immigrants at Krome Detention Center, many of whom have untreated mental illness, and how her experience leads her to question the divisions we create.
Sponsored by Humanities Action Lab/States of Incarceration
Videographer: Cibonay Dames
Mass Story Lab in Miami: Glenn Hutchinson describes visiting immigrants in Krome Detention Center and advocating with his students at Florida International University on behalf of immigrants at risk of being deported.
Sponsored by Humanities Action Lab/States of Incarceration
Videographer: Cibonay Dames
Mass Story Lab in Skidmore: Romeo Cazun Solares describes his experience of being detained by ICE and his fear of losing his family.
Sponsored by Humanities Action Lab/States of Incarceration
Videographer: Jamel Mosely
Mass Story Lab in Miami: Marie Michelle Mondestin describes the impact immigration and detention policy has had on her and her family's lives, and the politics of how our government treats immigrants.
Sponsored by Humanities Action Lab/States of Incarceration
Videographer: Cibonay Dames
Mass Story Lab in Skidmore: Catalina Cazun Solares describes her experience when her husband, Romeo, was detained by ICE and her fear of losing her family.
Sponsored by Humanities Action Lab/States of Incarceration
Videographer: Jamel Mosely
Mass Story Lab in Miami: Barbara Woshinski describes her experience of visiting with immigrants incarcerated at Krome Detention Center and advocating for them to stay with their families.
Sponsored by Humanities Action Lab/States of Incarceration
Videographer: Cibonay Dames
Mass Story Lab in Phoenix, AZ: Celeste Andrade talks about the impact that her father's incarceration had on her family. She shares how her family unit was torn apart and talks about the responsibilities she was forced to take on once the head of her household became incarcerated.
Sponsored by Humanities Action Lab/States of Incareration
Mass Story Lab in Phoenix, AZ: Gretta Soto Moreno shares her traumatic experience of being incarcerated for 900 days.
Sponsored by Humanities Action Lab/States of Incarceration
Mass Story Lab in Phoenix, AZ: Denisse Pesquiera expresses the difficulties she has faced as an undocumented, formerly detained mother of 5. She has been separated from her kids ever since her incarceration, and the separation continues now, even though she has been released and received her Green Card.
Sponsored by Humanities Action Lab/ States of Incarceration
Mass Story Lab in Phoenix, AZ: Guideon Cota shares how his experience of living as an undocumented man in America has been a fight for the right to live.
Sponsored by Humanities Action Lab/ States of Incarceration
In our Mass Story Lab in Phoenix, AZ, Zulay Barrera shares her experience being detained and released in the US as an undocumented transgender woman.
Sponsored by Humanities Action Lab/ States of Incarceration